Cheers to you… Judi Hussain
There’s an old saying that says “good things come in small packages!”
I couldn’t agree more, as my friend (Judi) happens to be one of those “small packages”.
Everything she touches, she seems to become good at… or even more proficient at.
Yet to speak with her, she views her many skills as “hobbies” and her life as more cautious than
she would have liked it to have been…
Judi was born “a few” years ago in Los Angeles California, and spent most of her childhood in
Southern California as an “only child” with her parents. Moving around (at inopportune times)
gave Judi the will to get a job at a travel agency specializing in tourism to Mexico.
It was this job that opened up the world to Judi. Judi’s summers were spent in Mexico learning
the local language and living the culture. Judi dated several foreign men and eventually married
a Pakistani man. She and her small daughter lived with her husband and his Pakistani family for
awhile and later returned to the states.
As time and life experiences would have it… Judi and her (now) two grown daughters
vacationed at Bass Lake in 1989. The 2 of them fell in love with the region, and four months
later… Judi and one grown daughter became Eastern Madera County home owners! (* the
other grown daughter remains an entrenched city dweller )
Now, if you were to run into Judi in the grocery store up here you would say:
“Do I know you from The Visitor Bureau? Chamber of Commerce?, ECCO?, Real Estate Office?,
Java News?, Sierra News Online?... Why do I know you?????
If you ever had a question about Yosemite, Eastern Madera County, hiking trails, camping sites
and even animal scat… Judi was your source!
Judi has been able to use her writing skills in virtually every job she has ever held, yet she still
considers her writing as a hobby. She was paid for the articles she wrote, for a “true
confessions” magazine she wrote and a 1800 Historical novel as well as other trade articles
along the way. Whether she had been paid for her writing skills or contributed them to the
community through her desire to better our region, Judi proves that even a hobby can be just
the skill one may need to succeed in life.
That being said… there probably hasn’t been a staircase unclimbed or trail – un-walked both
locally and/or in Israel, Egypt, Turkey Alaska, Mexico and the Middle East (until recently) that
Judi hasn’t trekked. Everything is interesting, and no stone should be left unturned!
She is currently studying Turkish, Hebrew, and keeping up on her Spanish while periodically
working on her English in her spare time!
Judi loves Dog Sledding ( Yep, you heard me DOG SLEDDING). Don’t we all??? She knows the
teams, the dogs, the routes and the culture of the sport. She’s been to Alaska 5 times to follow
the sport, and recently follows it through the comfort of the internet.
Her quiet times revolve around Beading. I can’t even see the beads, yet she can put them
together and create these beautiful pieces of jewelry… piece by piece…priceless particles of
color that become beautiful pieces of art.
One question I did ask Judi was that “If she could share just one “Pearl of Wisdom” to the youth
of today, what would it be?” She had to think about it for a minute, but then she thought about
her life as she shared that she felt that she had held herself back when she was young.
“Follow your dreams when you are young, because age doesn’t make it any easier…”
This writer believes that Judi’s advise may be right, but easy doesn’t always make it fun
If you know of anyone who would be a great local senior for me to interview please give me a
call – Lori Howard (559) 683-7650
Cheers to You
Welcome to a New Year and a new column…
This is where YOU are spotlighted, treasured and looked at in a whole new light!
No longer are you the “invisible senior”, but the whole person that came before the person
we see today.
So, buckle up sports fans as we delve into the amazing life and times of our first truly
amazing senior … Jerry Rehard
When it comes to the Academy of Awards in Life…Jerry stole the Best of Show for Easy
Rider…The King of Drama in General Hospital… Hallmark has nothing on us! (For an
amazing love story…) as well as the the “Bake Because You Can” award! But it wasn’t
always so simple for Jerry…
Living with 2 parents and 2 older sisters in a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home, 10 years later being
born into a basic L.A. family, little Jerry made an entrance in 1953.
Jerry was always taught to “work hard and always show up”. He followed that belief through life.
Jerry’s Dad shared time and interest in him by taking him to the desert and racing motorcycles,
keeping him interested in mechanics and the biking sports during those hard teen years. Jerry’s
Mom died (unexpectedly) he believes now from probable hereditary kidney failure which
understandably effected the dynamics of the family. Biking, still a passion…work became a
Jerry found his first part time job at age 16, and continued to find various other jobs along the
way on assembly lines and eventually at Container Corporation in Bakersfield where he was
destined to meet his lovely wife and angel…Cathy
Now many of us wives would love for our husbands to revere us as their angel… but Cathy has
earned this title…
Jerry and Cathy met by chance, fell in love, and were married in 1982.
They both worked full time, bought a home together in Bakersfield, bought a motorcycle and a
enjoyed a lot of sailing but something was missing… they started to work on the family…but
Jerry was diagnosed with Kidney failure - October 1993.
Neither of his sisters were good candidates for a kidney transplant, so a general call for anyone
interested in testing to see if they would be compatible as a transplant candidate went out. Even
Cathy tested to see if she could be compatible. Amazingly enough, Cathy had enough key
matching components that could offer potential transfer kidney success. Jerry would receive one
of Cathy’s kidney’s in a life saving surgery!!
Thirty-one years later, Cathy and Jerry still celebrate their kidney anniversary on each and every
March 18 th . They have enjoyed life together here in Oakhurst after moving 24 years ago to
pursue jobs at the “then new Rite Aid” (Cathy) and as a bus driver for the school district and
local tourism group. (Jerry)
Although life has calmed down a little (with the boating and motorcycles in particular ) Jerry
has become quite well known for his bread baking skills, and is now periodically requested as an
instructor for occasional baking demonstrations.
To know Jerry is to appreciate his optimism, calm, kindness and gratefulness to be alive… to
enjoy each day as it comes. This, you see, is the award of life…
If you know of someone who would be a great (local) senior to write about, let me know
Lori Howard- (559)683-7650
Sierra Senior Society, Inc.
Mailing Address: PO Box 122, Oakhurst, CA 93644 Physical Address: 49111 Cinder Lane, Oakhurst, CA 93644